Do you want to have a stronger relationship with your daughter?
The Pure in Heart Conference is an exciting one-day event that is uniquely designed for tween girls (ages 7-12) and for moms, grandmothers, and mentors of children.

Love Comes from a Pure Heart
The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. I Timothy 1:5

Truth for Moms and Daughters Together
The conference not only teaches young girls practical, biblical wisdom to lay a foundation for making future choices for purity, but it also shares a message of hope and forgiveness for women who struggle with the memories of their past choices of impurity.

Age Appropriate Interactive Lessons
During Tween Break-Out Sessions, girls enjoy a time designed especially for their age. Power-packed teaching themes and fun crafts focus on a girl’s identity in Christ, God’s love, and sharing His love with others.

Strategies for the Battle
Adult Sessions include inspiring testimonies and instructional teaching. Speakers share practical parenting strategies that will help moms equip their children to stand against the conflicting cultural messages they face each day.
The conference concludes in a precious time of mother-daughter blessing.

“My heart drew closer to God and I really bonded with my mom. I never thought about the fact that my mom has already been where I am and how she felt like I feel at times.”

“I needed to be reminded that I too am a Princess of the Most High. To be a warrior not a worrier. “Love is Slow” so, stop and seize each teachable moment. Speak words of affirmation and less expectation. My past is behind God’s back. Isaiah 38:17, and God can turn my mess into a message that will shine a light for my child’s future.”